This is for my empty nesters... and beyond

Shelley Webb

February 7th, 2024

Meaningful Midlife: Create a life you love! Here's your Midweek check-in!

Hi, Hello Reader,

At the recommendation of a friend, I was listening to a TEDx talk by Dr. Riley Moynes on the phases of retirement. It struck me that these phases are very similar to what we go through when the kids leave home.

He talked about Phase One of retirement being like a vacation. I see a similar situation when the last of the kids leave home - no need to get up early to get them off to school, less laundry, fewer big meals to cook, no need to nag, and a spare room that can be changed into an office or craft corner!

But over time, we become bored with this scenario which leads us into Phase Two.

In phase Two, we are lost and we suffer losses: Loss of routine, loss of identity, loss of a sense of purpose, loss of power and loss of relationship and conversation. We miss having our kids around. We miss the routine of raising a family. We might not only be bored, but we may also become anxious, depressed, and feel no sense of purpose. Is that all there is now?

But luckily, then comes Phase Three... and if you're not there just yet, you may find this helpful. Phase three is a time of trial and error. In Phase Three, we snap out of it!

We search for things that make life more meaningful, such as writing a book, learning a new skill or taking up a new hobby. We search for ways to contribute, such as volunteering at a hospital, school or animal shelter. Not all of these trials will work, but that's okay. Just keep moving forward, not backward. The things that will bring you the most joy are probably those things that align with your values.

Phase Three is a great time to sit down and reflect on the life you want to create in your second half. If you want to learn more about that, check out our Meaningful Midlife Makeover Kit!

That's it for now!

XoXo Shelley

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Hi! I'm Shelley! I help women over 50 create a happy and meaningful life.

It's never too late to create a life you love.

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