5 reasons why you can’t afford to wait for the right time to change your life

Hi, Reader,

Today is my birthday. (We'll talk more about that below.)

In my last email to you, I wrote about living your life with intention and what it means to be intentional with your life. I want to expand on that today by sharing why you can't afford to wait to begin!

Have you seen that quote poem

“Stop waiting for Friday
for summer,
for someone to fall in love with you,
for life.

Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in now!”

I don't know who wrote it but I think it's so true! And I would add, til the kids grow up, til the kids move out, til I retire, til we are completely financially secure, til I finish this one more course..... and on and on.

Living your life intentionally can mean taking risks. It can involve pushing past fear and doubt in order to achieve your goals and live on your own terms. That can be an intimidating thing, which is why it’s so common for us to allow our inner voices to convince us to wait for what we think is the right time to begin. However, there are so many reasons why you shouldn’t wait. Taking steps now to live your best life is something you’re not likely to regret. Here are five reasons why you can’t afford to wait for the right time to start living.

1. You’re Missing Opportunities

When you sit around waiting for just the right time to do something, you’re missing out on countless opportunities. I'm currently reading a book called "Never Eat Alone" by Keith Ferrazzi. In it, he talks about the importance of making space for serendipity and even how to engineer it. Sure, the unknown can be intimidating. It’s hard to just jump in with both feet but doing so is often worth it in the end. If I hadn't taken the risk of applying to be an insider with O, The Oprah Magazine, I never would have gotten to go on not one, but two cruises with her or to meet some of the brands I work with today! Try to look at your apprehension as an opportunity. That puts a positive spin on the situation and makes it exciting or challenging to consider.

2. You’ll Regret It

Living with regret is an awful feeling. To consider all the things you could’ve tried or accomplished, but didn’t, can be pretty sad. At the end of their lives, many people regret what they didn't do, not what they did. Instead of telling yourself all the reasons you shouldn’t do something right now, try saying yes to opportunities you’re offered. I'm not saying EVERY opportunity, because you'll wear yourself out (I did that) but say yes to the ones where there's a possibility of growth. You never know what could happen.

3. You Won’t Grow

Self-growth is important. It's part of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. If you remain stagnant as a person, you'll become bored with life. plus you won't be sharing your true gifts with the world. Taking chances and going after the things you desire enriches you as a person. You learn to take risks and face fear. You’ll also stretch your current skills and talents, such as persistence, communication, interpersonal skills, resilience, and more. These are the types of experiences that lead to self-growth and increased emotional intelligence.

4. You’ll Never Be Completely Ready

Again, it goes back to not waiting for the "perfect" time. The truth is, there will never be a time when you’ll feel completely ready to just go for it and give something new a shot. You could almost always use the need for more money, more experience, more research, more time, or anything else as an excuse. You may not be able to do absolutely everything you want to try, but you DO take chances on the ones that are within your grasp.

5. The Right Time May Never Come

An inescapable part of being human is our own mortality. We aren’t guaranteed a certain number of days. That’s why it's important to take every opportunity and chance you possibly can when you are able. There might not ever be a better time.

Keep these reasons in mind the next time you find yourself putting something off for later or waiting for a time that’s "better". Doing all you can now will push you forward more quickly and enhance your quality of life.

That's it for now!

XoXo Shelley

PS Today was my actual birthday and it was great! But truth be told, I've been trying to do little things every day this month to celebrate. Because there was a time when I waited for someone else to do things for me, for someone else to make me happy. I've learned that I am responsible for my own happiness and that has made all the difference.

Hi! I'm Shelley! I help women over 50 create a happy and meaningful life.

It's never too late to create a life you love.

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