Are you choosing what you want NOW versus what you want MOST?

Shelley Webb

May 31th

Meaningful Midlife: Create a life you love!

Hi, Reader,

“Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

I was thinking of this quote this morning while lying in bed trying to decide whether or not I wanted to get up just yet. It was nice lying in bed (the what I want now part). I didn't have anything urgent to do and yet, if I didn't get up and start working on my to-do list, I would not be moving forward as quickly with my goals (the what I want most part).

Immediate gratification (again, the what I want now part) is defined as the desire to experience some sort of fulfillment without delay. In today’s world, that’s more possible than ever. Some common instances of how some people allow themselves immediate gratification are with food, shopping/spending (a big one for me), entertainment (smartphone games) and procrastination. Being conscious of how much immediate gratification we allow ourselves and then slowing down on it has some perks. If we take the time to ask ourselves what we really want most versus what we want now and if we’re willing to wait for it, we can get the things we really want most, like the dream home, the family vacation to Europe, being able to fit in the skinny jeans or starting a new business.

The types of foods we tend to reach for is a common topic in the U.S. and abroad. Almost all of us are guilty of the fast-food grab. After a long day at work or driving the kids to their lessons and practices, it’s often easier to stop at the fast food drive-thru for dinner. But we know that fast food type foods aren’t good for us. Instead of the immediate gratification of the easy meal, we can make the mindful decision to do some meal prep on the weekend and stock up on healthy choices. All it will take is a little planning ahead to have a healthy and satisfying meal already prepared at home. By consciously choosing to not give in to the immediate gratification some foods provide, we can be healthier.

Shopping is another way people achieve immediate gratification. It feels good to buy something that we want, or that is a good deal. With the boom of online shopping, it’s as easy as a click away. Do we really need all of these “things”? Simply being mindful of spending habits can help us save money for what we want most. Financial stability and adding to the dream fund is more important than those little things that can add up quickly.

Entertainment is immediate too. Almost everyone has a smartphone. The internet is at our fingertips at almost all times. It’s not uncommon for people to be on their phones constantly checking social media sites or playing on gaming apps. If we are able to put the phones and computers down and work on something that will move us closer to our goal, we'll be so much closer to achieving them.

By being mindful of our urges for immediate gratification (what we want now), we can achieve more of what we want most.

That's if for now!

XoXo Shelley

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Hi! I'm Shelley! I help women over 50 create a happy and meaningful life.

It's never too late to create a life you love.

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