
Hi! I'm Shelley! I help women over 50 create a happy and meaningful life.

It's never too late to create a life you love.

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I all started with the shoes... that I wasn't wearing.

Hi, Reader,Well, it actually started long before that but this was the day I finally broke down and sobbed. We were moving to a different home and I was loaded up with boxes, clothing, fish (more on that in a moment) and 2 California Desert Tortoises. My friend was in front of me with an additional load. I'm pretty sure we had taken the chickens in a prior move but he may have had them in the back of his truck. But he got pulled over for having expired plates and I pulled over behind him....

April 3rd, 2024 Hi, Reader,I was almost scammed a couple of weeks ago! I waited this long to share because I wasn't certain that the scam had ended!I often work with brands to share about their products on social media. I received an email from an upscale company. It's not one that I recognized but the items were very nice designer items. So I responded to the email. They sent over an application and I was quickly approved ( a little suspicious). They then sent instructions to pick out 10...

April 3rd, 2024 Hi, Reader, Happy April! For those of us in the northern hemisphere, signs of spring are beginning to appear (thank goodness!) and for those in the southern hemisphere, I imagine that fall is approaching! What month would be considered the dog days of summer in Australia and New Zealand? I would love to know!I haven't written about caregiving for a while but that was actually the subject of my blog when I began it in 2008. At that time I was caregiving for my father who had...

Shelley Webb February 7th, 2024 Meaningful Midlife: Create a life you love! Here's your Midweek check-in! ↓ Hi, Hello Reader, At the recommendation of a friend, I was listening to a TEDx talk by Dr. Riley Moynes on the phases of retirement. It struck me that these phases are very similar to what we go through when the kids leave home.He talked about Phase One of retirement being like a vacation. I see a similar situation when the last of the kids leave home - no need to get up early to get...

Shelley Webb January 1, 2024 Meaningful Midlife: Create a life you love! ↓ Hi, Hello Reader, Happy New Year! Can you believe that it's already 2024?! I'm not sure about you but it seems that as we get older, the years fly by faster and faster!Do you choose a word theme for the year? I used to but now I choose 3 words. I learned about the "My 3 Words" concept ( #my3words ) concept on Twitter in 2008. It's a concept created by author, speaker and Chief of Staff at Appfire, Chris Brogan. I know...

Shelley Webb June 27th Meaningful Midlife: Create a life you love! ↓ Hi, Hello Reader,I wanted to write and share with you about a new product that I've been using. I think it has a lot of promise in the prevention of osteoporosis. There are a lot of things about menopause that we have not been educated about. One of them is that the main reason women are more susceptible to osteoporosis is because when we go through menopause our estrogen levels drop. They are even decreasing in...

Shelley Webb May 31th Meaningful Midlife: Create a life you love! ↓ Hi, Reader, “Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.” ~ Abraham Lincoln I was thinking of this quote this morning while lying in bed trying to decide whether or not I wanted to get up just yet. It was nice lying in bed (the what I want now part). I didn't have anything urgent to do and yet, if I didn't get up and start working on my to-do list, I would not be moving forward as quickly with my...

Hi, Hello Reader!It's beginning to look a lot like.....summer! Finally!I was going to write about how a purpose-driven life can improve brain health, but that just seemed like too heavy a topic today. So I've switched gears and am sharing about handbags!I live in a resort town in northern Idaho that is built around a fairly large lake, the second largest lake in Idaho. Two rivers feed into the lake and there are lake and river cruises offered several times a day and in the evening. Even...

Shelley Webb May 9th Meaningful Midlife: Create a life you love! ↓ Hi, Reader, Not long ago, I mentioned that I began taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT). It's been 5 weeks now and I'm starting to see some results... more on that in the PS section so if you want, you can skip to that section. This is a long but important newsletter.For a topic that used to be a behind-closed-doors subject (if talked about at all), menopause has really hit the airwaves! Almost every day now, I'm seeing an...

Hi, Reader!For those of you who have been following me for some time, you may know of my story of losing my dream home (and pretty much everything else) during the time of the housing crash. At first I was paralyzed. It was everything just to make myself get out of bed. It took some time but I did manage to rebuild my life and move forward. No matter what situation has derailed your life - divorce, loss of a loved one, empty-nesting, bankruptcy, etc. here are some of my tips to help you to...

silhouette of person standing on rock surrounded by body of water

Hi, Reader, Today is my birthday. (We'll talk more about that below.) In my last email to you, I wrote about living your life with intention and what it means to be intentional with your life. I want to expand on that today by sharing why you can't afford to wait to begin!Have you seen that quote poem “Stop waiting for Fridayfor summer,for someone to fall in love with you,for life.Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in now!” I don't know...